Explore it all with a stay at the charming Thainstone House. Stay midweek (Sunday to Thursday) for additional discounts on your stay.
Join us from April - September and we will give you 30% off the best available bed & breakfast rate.
Stay with us from October - March and enjoy 40% off our best available bed and breakfast rate.
Join us from April - September and we will give you 20% off the best available bed and breakfast rate.
Stay with us from October - March and enjoy 25% off our best available bed and breakfast rate.
Join us from April - September and we will give you 15% off the best available bed and breakfast rate.
Stay with us from October - March and enjoy 20% off our best available bed and breakfast rate.
Offer subject to availability. Full terms & conditions apply.
Terms & Conditions
For booking enquiries, please contact our team.